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Music Ministries...​

Bell Choir

If you have some music experience, consider joining the bell choir. We practice during the week on Wednesdays in the evening (from September thru May). Please contact Rosemary thru the church office at 248-628-1289.

Children's Chimes

Children and youth (4th grade through high school) are invited to learn to play the music chimes and share their music in worship. Practices are to be determined (8-10 weeks in the Fall and/or in the Spring as interest becomes known). Please contact Rosemary through the church office at 248-628-1289.


Praise Singers

Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings at 5pm. If you have questions, please contact  Renae through the church office at 248-628-1289.



If you have a music ministry you would like to share, please let us know!

Musical Notes
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